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5 ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

5 ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of the year again, the big night, New Year’s Eve is around the corner and you probably are starting to think about your new resolutions for 2023.

We know this can be a bittersweet task as you might feel excited and motivated to create this list, but also you might find yourself adding some of this past year’s resolutions to the new list and feel frustrated about not having done them all.

Don’t worry we got you! Here you have 5 tips to keep your NY resolutions this new year.

  1. Start with small goals. Don’t let your enthusiasm for a new goal lead you to unattainable levels. Build in some flexibility and give yourself time to master each skill gradually. If you really want to try a new activity, commit to it only once or twice a week at first – and build up from there.
  2. Make it measurable. When setting New Year’s resolutions, make sure they’re specific and measurable. If you want to exercise more, define the time of day and how long it will take. Set yourself up for success by being specific!
  3. Be realistic. Set them according to your lifestyle. Make sure you’re honest about your resources and time available so you can set realistic targets and keep yourself motivated throughout the year.
  4. Make a plan. Set yourself on the right path to achieve your goal by determining the when, where, and why of your vision – that way you can establish an action plan and make sure to stick to it.
  5. Stay positive. The key to success is motivation. Believe in your goal and try to constantly remind yourself of the benefits and the impact it will have on your life. Focusing on the positives will help you stick to your resolution and make it happen.


We hope these tips are useful for you and we wish you a Happy New Year!

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